Radiant Girls Running & Radiance Coaching (10-14 yrs.)
A Run & Wellness program for Girls in grades 6-8. This program combines a learn to run program, yoga, and wellness discussions with the intention to instil the values of mental and physical health, while building resilience, self esteem, and positive mindset.
Radiant Girls Brave Hearts Series (8-10 yrs.)
This program is an introduction to self love, self expression and emotional intelligence. Girls will learn the importance of being brave and kind. She’ll discover the power of gratitude and the meaning of empathy. All this weaved into fun activities like yoga and pilates, mediation, experiential games and mindful art.
Radiant Girls Empowerment Series (11-13 yrs.)
This program combines fun wellness activities with empowering coaching to build positive self image, emotional intelligence, and strong leadership skills. These programs feature mindful activities like yoga and pilates, self care rituals, confidence exercises, emotional intelligence games, meaningful expressive art, and lots of fun.
Radiant Girls Leadership Academy (13+)
This course is designed to guide girls to navigate thorough the teen years with radiance and resilience. Girls will learn how to make choices and take action based on courage and awareness. They'll play deliberate games to build trust in friendships and family. Girls will also partake in team building skills to work through uncomfortable, emotionally charged situations and discover how to move from conflict into resolution quickly. We'll guide girls through bold experiences to face fears and learn new behaviours to build personal power. In addition, we'll facilitate activities to create breakthroughs in thinking and feeling that increase their depth of emotional intelligence.
*After completion, participants are eligible to apply for volunteer positions in upcoming Radiant Girls programs.
PA Day
Navigating Cliques, Crushes, and Conflicts: (10-14)
This specialized tween event like no other! Our program will include a variety of activities that help to girls to understand what is required for effective leadership, building trust, creating boundaries, communicating effectively, and resolving conflict. Girls will leave with a better understanding of relationship dynamics like popularity, cliques and followers. Girls will discover how to stay true to being herself, how to deal with pressure and negativity, and how to make peace with girl drama. Activities include yoga, mediation, team building games, mindful art, and outdoor fun.
Sign up Today!
Programs held at Sidrabene Retreat Center
5100 Appleby Line, Burlington
Each program is limited to just 12 girls.
Email us for a registration package
gina@radiantgirls.ca or call (905) 335-9591.
For more information about our girls programs, our philosophy and other offerings visit:
Self Image
Even though young girls today seem to have more opportunities, many girls are less confident, happy and satisfied with their lives. And it's no wonder – girls are constantly given the message by media that they don't measure up. The resulting pressure and negative reinforcement they face during this critical period in their lives can derail theirself-esteem and judgment and shake the foundation of their future. During our movement component we spend a great deal of time discussing self talk, loving what you've got, and achieving personal bests.
In our weekly camps, we work to uncover each girl’s true passions, discover the values they have created, and the beliefs that are currently limiting them. Through group coaching, journaling, and self reflection exercises, girls develop a better understanding of who they really are and how to stay true to themselves. These strategies are based on Coach U's (the top coaching school) philosophy's on developing confidence, empowering beliefs, and smart goal setting. The intent is to help each Radiant Girl transition into their teen years with strong communication and leadership skills.
Healthy Relationships
Through a variety of activities designed to help the girls learn more about themselves and their emotions, the girls will also learn to build healthy relationships. We'll discuss the importance and value of creating healthy relationships, and we'll experiment with skills and actions that teach young minds how to nurture relationships so they can grow and flourish. We will weave these discussions in our activities, and provide a forum to discuss issues (one-on-one or in a group) that are important to the girls.
Self Discovery
As we integrate the message of a healthy mind, body and soul through the week, we’ll have the girls explore their thoughts and feelings through scrapbooking, journal writing, creative art activities, photography, and crafts. This creative expression component allows them to reflect, and listen to their inner voice. Coaching tools and techniques will be used to open them up to new ideas and discoveries that are unfolding daily.
Through research based education, we will explore growing food, preparing nutritious meals, and trying new foods. Each day will consist of a visit to the garden to pick foods that we will include in our lunch. Girls will help to prepare the meal, while the nutritionist leads them through cooking tips and techniques. The group will sit down and enjoys their meal together, and discusses the nutritional value and importance of eating well. Juicing, sprouting, smoothies, and healthy snacks are often part of this program. Our goal with nutrition is to expose girls to new and healthy options, and have them discover a love for nutritious foods. Our lunches resemble a buffet style approach so they can pick and choose from a variety of options. We take great pride at the end of the week to winning over even the pickiest of eaters. Based on the requests of previous camp attendees, we now send our recipes home with each girl.
There is a strong physical component to our camps. Each day the group will be involved in at least 2 hours of structured activity. We’ll try to spend as much of it outdoors as possible. Hiking the bruce trail, a visit to a local organic farm, spending some time in our vegetable garden, or participating in an outdoor fitness class are just some of the activities we have planned! Indoors girls will get a chance to try pilates, use bosu's, bands, balls, and rollers and learn about their core, posture and balance. We’ll have a yoga class component to improve flexibility, improve mental focus, and relieve stress. We’ll shatter some preconceived ideas about what they like, how it feels to be a leader and what they really feel about their amazing bodies. Our activities are always centered around feeling safe, comfortable with the exercises, and testing the boundaries to discover new personal bests. This component is guaranteed to inspire girls to get involved in a regular exercise program following the camp.
Stress Management
In a world full of multi media, technology, working parents, school pressures, social pressures, and busy schedules, it’s no wonder our young girls are in need of tools and techniques to unplug from the world. These camps will help to teach them about relaxation, breathing, meditation, self care, and relationship strategies to better deal with the difficulties that come with being a girl. These skills will be extremely valuable for the years ahead. We will introduce them to being mindful of their thought patterns, how to quiet the mind, and introduce them to the many forms of meditation. Our favorite is the gratitude meditation, that teaches them to contemplate all that they have to be thankful for.
Creative Arts
Each day the girls will have some time to play with a project that allows them to express themselves. The activity will be guided with questions to encourage self refection, expression, and focus. Each day will be filled with a new art project. Here are just some of the activities they will be involved in: create dream boards, make meaningful jewelry, design a personal journal, create treasure boxes, design a family gratitude game, personalize an apron and so much more.
Food Philosophy
Our nutrition philosophy is grounded in the latest health research. Our food program will revolve around whole foods with a focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and meat. We will limit our intake of dairy, grains and sugars and encourage minimal use of processed and refined foods. We are mindful that young palates need familiar foods. And we are aware that food likes and dislikes are sometimes stressful situations. We accomidate picky eaters with lots of choices at each meal, and have great strategies and games for trying new foods. We are proud to say that we have never had someone go hungry because they did not find something yummy to fill their belly. In fact, the recipes we use at camp are requested by just about every child at the end of the week. We love great food and we want girls to love it too!
Additional Supoort & Caoching & Coaching
For most girls attending our camp, this will be the first time staying overnight with a group of people they don't know. Often times the hardest part of this kind of camp is overcoming the fear of the first day. For this reason we will be providing a tour of the facility in June, and a live group call "meet & greet" to go over the essentials to pack, and prepare for a fabulous week. The tour and call will take place in early June.
It's been our experience, that encouraging healthy eating, and positive lifestyle choices is better received when it comes from an outside source. Once a safe, comfortable environment has been established, young girls tend to open up and be more responsive to us. During camp we encourage self awareness and examining new perspectives. Sometimes changing thinking and behaviours takes time, and support is needed to fully integrate new learnings. If you feel your girl would benefit from private coaching, these can be arranged following our camp experience. These sessions can be done in person, or over live camera calls.
Our Giving Back Programs:
Every year we offer campers a credit of $375 towards a day camp program, and an overnight retreat. Campers requesting this scholarship must send in a request and include an recent experience where they have given back to someone in need in their community. Photos, short video or supporting documents explaining the event and the impact it has had will contribute to who receives this scholarship. The camper and/or a family member should also include some information about why this program is of interest to them. We regularly have people in our community who want to support us in creating these amazing experiences for girls. These people believe in what we do, and want to be a part of uplifting our girls with us. These special people sponsor a few girls each summer to attend one of our events. If you know a girl who would greatly benefit from our program, but may not have the financial means to attend, please reach out to us. We may be able to send her to camp! We also contribute a few camp spaces to local school fundraisers each year. If your school has an event in which we can contribute, please send information to gina@radiantgirls.ca
We also contribute a few camp spaces to local school fundraisers each year. If your school has an event in which we can contribute, please send information to gina@radiantgirls.ca
Thank you so much for the gift of “Serenity Valley”. My girls had a most amazing week and still talk about it today. The things they took away from this experience are tangible and intangible and they are forever changed. I will continue to share your incredible place with those whose paths I cross. Blessings to you both for creating another safe and sacred healing space for my daughters.